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Convert Saudi Visit Visa To Iqama

Convert Saudi Visit Visa To Iqama

If you trying to Convert Saudi Visit Visa To Iqama then you must read this article for your satisfaction because this is the only one possible way to Convert Saudi Visit Visa To Iqama.

According to saudi arabia law its not possible to Convert your Visit Visa To Iqama but there are some exceptional case where you are allowed to do so and will be able to convert your Saudi Arabia Visit Visa To Iqama.

So lets get to that one exceptional case so according to jawazat latest update visa of children’s belwo 18 will be converted to iqama if the parents of children’s are at saudi arabia with vaild Iqama.

This is the only one way to convert your Saudi Arabia Visit Visa To Iqama and its possible when the parents are in saudi Arabia and they have Valid Saudi Iqama so they can invite their children’s to saudi arabia and later on with the approval of saudi arabia ministry of interior their visit visa will be transferred to Iqama.

Let me make you one thing that its only possible in some extraordinary cases with the approval of Saudi Arabia Minsitry Of Interior.

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