Iqama News Jawazat New Ministry Of Interior Ministry Of Labour

Maktab Ul Amal Fee Small Companies 2019

Every one now a days is confused about maktab ul amal fee for small companies in saudi Arabia.
Mostly small companies pay only 100 Riyals while others pay 2400 Riyals but the question is why there is such difference .
Let me tell you that there was only 100 Riyals fee for small companies from 1435 to 1440 as per royal order and fee was 100 Riyals for five years but its started to be 2400 Riyals once five years is completed.
Now small companies which are started after 1435 they will have an extra year also in case a company is held in 1437 they will pay 100 Riyals maktab ul amal fee till 1442 .

If you want to check your maktab ul amal fee just follow this link….

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