The Ministry of Labor and Social Development has approved a number of new penalties for private sector establishments, foremost of which is the employer’s or the establishment’s fined 3,000 riyals for every worker who has not been paid in due time.
The fine is to be applied in case the worker is paid without the official currency or the employer holds his wage or part of it without a court order, in addition to a fine of 10,000 riyals for each worker who was not given weekly rest or operating hours.
The Ministry has also approved the following schedule of violations and penalties corresponding to the changes in the executive regulations of the Labor Law; obligating the employer to pay the worker’s wages and liquidate his rights within a period of not more than two weeks from the date of termination of the employment relationship; otherwise the employer will pay a fine of SR 10,000.
fines of 25 thousand riyals on establishments that do not provide a workplace for women is characterized by privacy and independence in the work environment is not intended to receive customers and the public, as well as a fine of 20 thousand riyals not to provide adequate security guard.
The Ministry pointed out that a fine of 5 thousand riyals will be imposed on the non-provision of seats for women workers in the workplace, and a fine of 15 thousand riyals if the operation of less than two workers in one shift or work with men in the same workplace.
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